Andy Palmer, head of EV maker Switch Mobility, to speak at Automotive News Europe Congress

Jessica Thompson

Andy Palmer has been at the heart of the European mobility market for decades, first as a Nissan executive when the automaker introduced the pioneering Leaf electric car, and then as head of Aston Martin as the sports car maker worked to bring its first SUV to the market and go public.

Now, Palmer is deeply embedded into the transition to electrifiction, as CEO of Switch Mobility, an electric bus and utility vehicle maker. At the same time, Palmer is chairman of the board of InoBat, a European battery manufacturer, senior independent director at PodPoint, an EV infrastructure provider and HiLo, a start-up EV scooter business, amongst other commercial interests.

Hear from veteran auto exective Andy Palmer on Europe broad transition to electrification at this year’s Automotive News Europe Congress in Prague on July 13-14.

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