Missed payments? Ford tech could make car repossess itself

Jessica Thompson

One day, auto lenders might not need to call the repo man when their customers stop making payments.

Instead, the car could just drive itself to an impound lot, according to a patent application filed by Ford Motor Co. engineers.

The patent application lists a number of methods that could be used to shake down customers, starting with reminders and warnings sent to the vehicle display or a smartphone. Further nonpayment could lead to some features being disabled, including cruise control, window and seat controls, the infotainment system and climate control. The vehicle eventually could lock out the customer or play an “incessant and unpleasant sound” whenever the owner is inside it.

The application, first reported last week by The Drive, notes that there could be a way to unlock the vehicle in case of emergency. An onboard camera and “neural network” would be used to determine if the situation is urgent. The system could be used on any vehicle with a data connection, according to the filing, though there is no indication of whether Ford intends to do so. Automakers often file patent applications for technology they have no concrete plans to use.

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