Moped Gang In London Attacks A Bugatti Chiron With A Hammer

Jessica Thompson

Driving a multi-million hypercar in urban areas certainly attracts a lot of attention. Unfortunately for a Bugatti Chiron owner in London, UK, this was expressed in the worse possible way when a moped rider started hitting the car with a hammer.

While most people would admire or photograph the Bugatti at the traffic light, there are some who envy the wealth of the owner and try to steal valuable tokens from the interior. This is possibly what happened in this case, with a bystander capturing the entire scene on their smartphone. The clip was uploaded on Instagram by Yianni Charalambous and supercar.fails, going viral.

See Also: One-Off Bugatti La Voiture Noire Spotted On The Streets Of Zurich

The moped rider, who was wearing a helmet, hit the Bugatti several times with a metal hammer. Interestingly, he was not alone, with a second moped standing close to him. While the intentions of the two-member gang are not clear, it seems that they were trying to smash the side window of the hypercar in order to get access to the cabin and possibly steal the owner’s wallet, jewelry, or purse. Thankfully, the glass proved to be stronger than expected and it didn’t get completely shattered, protecting the driver and his precious belongings.

As most people would do under those circumstances, the driver of the Chiron stepped on the accelerator and fled the scene. The mopeds did not stand a chance against the 1,479 hp (1,103 kW / 1,500 PS) hypercar in a potential pursuit, so the riders continued their journey trying to look as unsuspicious as possible.

According to Charalambous, whose car wrapping business is treating many exotic vehicles, this kind of attack is happening quite often in London, becoming a serious problem for supercar and hypercar owners. In the comment’s section of the Instagram Post, popular YouTuber Whistlin Diesel said “try doing that in America”, obviously referring to the high-rated of gun ownership among US citizens. In any case, this illegal behavior should be treated by the police. The Bugatti owner most likely used the footage for his insurance company, as replacement parts for the Chiron are notoriously expensive. Below you can see a second video with the aftermath.

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