Watch A Dodge Driver Charge Into And Knock Out A Power Pole

Jessica Thompson

<br> Watch A Dodge Driver Charge Into And Knock Out A Power Pole | Carscoops

You may learn a valuable lesson after watching this shocking dashcam footage

by Brad Anderson

A white Dodge Charger has been badly damaged in a frightening crash in the United States that was caught on dashcam.

The video of the incident was recently shared to the IdiotsInCars thread on Reddit. While we’re not sure exactly where in the U.S. it was filmed, we can see the owner of the Charger overtaking the cammer on the wrong side of the road while approaching a left-hand bend.

Clearly thinking they were driving on a racetrack and not a public road, the driver of the Dodge sticks to the inside lane of the corner, trying to hit the apex. Things go wrong very quickly, however, as the Dodge immediately began to understeer through the corner. It eventually runs wide, crosses into an area of dirt on the right side of the road and then slams head-on into a power pole.

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The force of the impact throws the rear of the Charger into the air and brings down the power pole and the lines. While it is unclear if the driver was injured in the incident, a handful of Redditors have used the accident to warn others of the hidden dangers of being involved in a crash with a power pole or power lines.

If a power line falls on your car, there’s a good chance that it is still live and staying inside until emergency responders arrive on the scene is extremely important. If you do need to exit the vehicle, you must ensure that you jump away from the car and land with your feet close together. If you happen to touch the ground while touching the car at the same time, the electricity will flow from the car, through your body, and into the ground, likely killing you.

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